შეისწავლეთ ინგლისური ენა B1 დონის ვიდეობით. ვიდეოების სრულად ნახვის შემდეგ, უპასუხეთ კითხვებს.
University Life
- When do school students apply for most of the university courses?
- Mostly, how long are the courses?
- Where are the new universities built?
- What is a Learning Grid?
William Shakespeare
- Why is Shakespeare famous?
- What are Shakespeare’s poems about?
- What did Shakespeare’s father do?
- When was the original Globe Theatre built?
Arthur Conan Doyle
- When was Arthur Conan Doyle born?
- Where did Arthur Conan Doyle study?
- Where did Sherlock Holmes live?
- Which film adaptations are there on Sherlock Holmes ?
ასევე იხილეთ: რობერტ ბერნსის ლექსი “გული მთებისკენ მიიწევს”
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